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HTML5 is an emerging and promising standard that enables web applications (or apps) to incorporate rich multimedia contents such as video clips, flash movies and simulation-based demonstration, as well as to provide cross-platform functionality which allows the apps to run on a diverse range of platforms.

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It has been envisioned that e-Textbooks will gradually replace the traditional paper-based textbooks in classrooms in the near future. In electronic textbooks (or e-Textbooks) the traditional paper-based textbooks are enriched with multimedia contents and new features such as interactive multimedia-based simulation, interactive quizzes, and content sharing. The prototype takes in a human image and identifies the face and effectively process and manage the exposure where over-exposed images are blocked. The design was implemented with eclipse, a java based development area for android. Rapid Application Development (RAD) research methodology approach was adopted and a face detection approach based on the genetic algorithm and the eigenface technique was used for face identifications in human images. This project therefore develops a prototype of an app that captures picture contents of in-app adverts and scrutinizes it for appropriateness. Studies have so far not really hammered much on user centered designs on counter apps that can screen out these undesirable apps with a view to better manage their contents. Since in-app advertisements that go along with these apps do not go through the same regulations, chances are that parents still have little or no control over what their wards are exposed to. Such maturity rating examines the existence and intensity ratings in terms of sexual contents, reference to drugs, offensive language and violence. The idea is to assist parent choose age appropriate mobile apps for their children.

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Abstract Both Android and iOS apps have maturity rating that in a way censor their products.

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